
Tip Thailand – Deutschsprachige Nachrichten aus Thailand
- Pedder

BANGKOK. Der stellvertretende Premierminister und Innenminister Anutin Charnvirakul drückte gestern seine Zuversicht aus, dass das Gesetz zur Cannabiskontrolle noch während der Amtszeit der derzeitigen Koalitionsregierung verabschiedet wird. Unterdessen drängt eine Gesundheitsorganisation auf ein vollständiges Verbot des Freizeitkonsums von Cannabis. Die Bhumjaithai Partei legte dem Parlament im vergangenen September eine erste Version des Gesetzesentwurfs vor. Das ... Weiterlesen ... [...]

- Pedder

JAKARTA. Indonesien hat gestern am Donnerstag ein Programm „Goldenes Visum“ für langfristige Visa eingeführt, das ausländische Investoren anlocken soll, sagte Präsident Joko Widodo. Die Beträge bis zu 10 Millionen US-Dollar ermöglichen den Investoren ein 10-Jahres Visum und Zugang zur größten Volkswirtschaft Südostasiens. Für das fünfjährige „Goldenes Visum“ müssen einzelne Investoren ein Unternehmen im Wert von ... Weiterlesen ... [...]

- Pedder

LASHIO, MYANMAR. Eine Rebellenarmee in Myanmar erklärte am Donnerstag, sie habe die Kontrolle über ein wichtiges regionales Militärhauptquartier nahe der Grenze zu China übernommen. Dies könnte die größte Niederlage der jüngsten Vergangenheit für die herrschende Junta sein, die darum kämpft, einen sich ausweitenden Aufstand einzudämmen. Die Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) erklärte, sie habe ... Weiterlesen ... [...]

- Pedder

BANGKOK. Laut der Miracle Group, einem Betreiber von Flughafenlounges und Hotels, sind die Flughafenlounges und Aufenthaltsräume im neuen Satellitenterminal des Flughafens Suvarnabhumi  in der Provinz Samut Prakan aufgrund fehlender internationaler Flüge weiterhin ruhig, obwohl sie bereits seit fast einem Jahr geöffnet sind. Aswin Ingkakul, Vorsitzender der Miracle Group, sagte, dass große internationale Fluggesellschaften nicht wie ... Weiterlesen ... [...]

- Pedder

BANGKOK. Dank der neuen Visabestimmungen des Außenministeriums war es noch nie so einfach, Thailand zu besuchen und sich längerfristig im Land aufzuhalten. Die Zahl der Länder, die ohne Visum einreisen dürfen , ist von 57 auf 93 gestiegen – darunter auch Indien und China. Eine wichtige Änderung ist, dass der Einreisestempel 60 Tage gültig ist ... Weiterlesen ... [...]

- Pedder

MANCHESTER. Ein drogenabhängiger Gangster aus Oldham im britischen Greater Manchester beschuldigte seine thailändische Lebensgefährtin, eine Affäre mit seinem Vater gehabt zu haben, was ihr Leben in einen Albtraum verwandelt habe. Der 39-jährige Daniel Hadfield aus Manchester wurde inzwischen inhaftiert und brachte seinem gequälten Opfer so etwas wie Frieden. Hadfield, getrieben von einem Cocktail aus Alkohol ... Weiterlesen ... [...]

- Pedder

BANGKOK. Monsune haben die Andamanensee und den Golf von Thailand überflutet und zu heftigen Regenfällen im Norden, Osten und in Bangkok geführt.Es wird mit hohem Wellengang gerechnet, und Seglern wird geraten, vorsichtig zu sein. Die Wettervorhersage des Thai Meteorological Department (TMD) für die nächsten 24 Stunden zeigt, dass derzeit ein mäßiger Südwestmonsun die Andamanensee, Thailand ... Weiterlesen ... [...]

- Pedder

BANGKOK. Der Tourismusboom Thailands steigt in schwindelerregende Höhe. Die Zahl der thailändisch-chinesischen Flüge wird sich verdoppeln, berichtet The Nation. Aeronautical Radio of Thailand Co Ltd (Aerothai) hat einen drastischen Anstieg der Flüge zwischen Thailand und China angekündigt . Die Zahl der jährlichen Flüge soll sich dank einer neuen Politik der gegenseitigen dauerhaften Befreiung von der ... Weiterlesen ... [...]

- Pedder

BANGKOK. Thailands politische Szene ist voller Spannung, denn das Verfassungsgericht bereitet sich darauf vor, nächsten Monat über die Qualifikationen von Premierminister Srettha Thavisin zu entscheiden. Die Entscheidung des Gerichts, die am 14. August erwartet wird, könnte möglicherweise die Führung des Landes verändern und Srettha aus dem Amt entfernen. Die aktuelle politische Dynamik, einschließlich geheimer und ... Weiterlesen ... [...]

- Pedder

BANGKOK. Dank der Visumsfreiheit werden die Einreisen von Taiwanern und Indern in Thailand dieses Jahr einen neuen Höchststand erreichen. Der positive Trend hält aufgrund der Visumfreiheit weiter an. Die Visumbefreiung für indische und taiwanesische Touristen trat Ende 2023 in Kraft und die Regierung verlängerte die Regelung bis zum 11. November dieses Jahres, wobei die Aufenthaltsdauer ... Weiterlesen ... [...]

Thaiger – Englischsprachige Nachrichten aus Thailand
- Nattapong Westwood
Phetchaburi unveils arch to celebrate Thai king’s 72nd birthday

Phetchaburi unveils arch to celebrate Thai king’s 72nd birthdayLegacyPhetchaburi Governor Nattachai Namphoonsuksan presided over the inauguration of a celebratory arch to mark the auspicious occasion of His Majesty King Maha Vajiralongkorn Phra Vajiraklaochaoyuhua‘s 72nd birthday tomorrow, July 28, enhancing the area’s tourism appeal. Governor Nattachai led the ceremony with local government officials, students, and residents participating. The event took place in front of Ban Tha Takhro Mittraphap 192 School in Tha Takhro subdistrict, Nong Ya Plong district. Nattachai lit incense and candles to honour the Triple Gem, offered floral tributes in front of His Majesty the King’s portrait, and presented monk robes and alms to the monks who then chanted blessings and performed a water-pouring ritual. Following this, the governor delivered a speech wishing His Majesty the King well and led the attendees in offering floral tributes, incense, and candles to officially open the commemorative arch. The ceremony concluded with the singing of the royal anthem and a visit to an exhibition dedicated to His Majesty the King inside the school’s assembly hall. The construction of the commemorative arch was part of a project to celebrate the auspicious occasion of His Majesty the King’s 72nd birthday tomorrow, July 28. The arch is located along Highway 3349 between kilometre 14 and 15, in front of Ban Tha Takhro Mittraphap 192 School in Tha Takhro subdistrict, Nong Ya Plong district, Phetchaburi province. The project aims to honour His Majesty the King, demonstrate loyalty and respect to the monarchy, and enhance the area’s scenic appeal, which is a main route into Nong Ya Plong district. Tourism appeal Nattachai expressed the significance of the event, emphasising its role in promoting unity and pride among the local community. The arch, adorned with traditional Thai designs, serves not only as a tribute to His Majesty the King but also as a landmark to welcome visitors and boost local tourism. “This arch is a symbol of our unwavering respect and loyalty to His Majesty the King. It also represents our commitment to enhancing the beauty and appeal of our province for both residents and tourists.” The participants, including students, teachers, and local residents, expressed their pride and joy in being part of such a significant event. The ceremony was a testament to the community’s dedication to honouring their monarch and preserving Thai cultural traditions, reported KhaoSod. “It’s a privilege to be part of this ceremony. The arch is not only a tribute to our king but also a beautiful addition to our community.” The story Phetchaburi unveils arch to celebrate Thai king’s 72nd birthday as seen on Thaiger News. [...]

- Puntid Tantivangphaisal
Forensic report disputes self-defence claim in Thai pond murder

Forensic report disputes self-defence claim in Thai pond murderLegacyA forensic investigation has contradicted the testimony regarding the murder of a friend disposed of in a pond in Nakhon Sawan province. The suspect had announced the act a month in advance, and the woman involved denied any romantic relationship, asserting there was no love triangle. In the case of a 54 year old Thai man, Rung, who killed 53 year old Yodrak and dumped the body in a pond in Village 4, Don Kha subdistrict, Tha Tako district, Nakhon Sawan province, the motive was believed to be jealousy over the same woman. Before the incident, Yodrak visited Rung’s home and tried to stab him with a knife, leading Rung to defend himself with a wooden stick, resulting in Yodrak’s death. Rung then disposed of the body in the pond. The police investigation team from Tha Tako Police Station, Nakhon Sawan, along with forensic officers, revisited Rung’s house yesterday. The autopsy report indicated Yodrak died from gunshot wounds to the chest, contradicting Rung’s claim of using a wooden stick in self-defence. After about an hour of searching, officers found a long shotgun and a short one along with some shotgun shells hidden 100 metres from the house. The long shotgun was broken and unusable, while the short one was functional, with one shell in the chamber. Further tests will determine if this gun was used to shoot Yodrak. At Don Kha Temple, where Yodrak’s funeral was held, Nun, a relative of the deceased, revealed that the hospital’s examination confirmed Yodrak was killed with a gun, with four pellets found in his chest. Nun believed the shooting was intentional and not in self-defence, as Rung had previously threatened to shoot Yodrak if he ever came to his house uninvited. “The jealousy over the same woman is true, and they had been arguing about it for almost a month. Rung even declared he would shoot Yodrak. Rung and Yodrak met at an ordination ceremony on July 18, where they drank with friends, but Rung did not drink. They then went their separate ways. It’s unclear if Yodrak knew about Rung’s threat, as Yodrak quickly rode his motorbike away after returning home, only to be found dead later.” The woman at the centre of the conflict clarified that there was no romantic relationship with Yodrak and that his jealousy was unfounded. She only communicated with him as a friend, having known him for three to four months and mostly talking on the phone. She had made it clear from the start that she was not interested in a romantic relationship due to their age difference and limited acquaintance. She did not know whether Yodrak was involved with anyone else but was not interested in him as a partner, preferring to remain just friends. Regarding Rung, the woman confirmed never having any private conversations or even possessing his phone number. She met Rung through Yodrak at the ordination ceremony and insisted that Yodrak’s jealousy towards Rung was baseless, as she only interacted with Rung at religious events. The allegations that she had taken money from Yodrak were false, and she was willing to legally challenge these claims since she had never taken any money from him. She supported herself through her small business and was not financially troubled, reported KhaoSod. ORIGINAL STORY: Thai man confesses to killing his friend over love triangle A Thai man confessed to killing his friend and dumping the body in a pond in the central province of Nakhon Sawan after becoming entangled in a bitter love triangle. A 75 year old Thai woman, Prayong, filed a missing person complaint with Thatako Police Station, stating that her 53 year old son, Yodrak, had been missing from home since July 18. Without a clue as to her son’s whereabouts, Prayong consulted a fortune teller who claimed that Yodrak’s body was in a community pond. Prayong decided to seek help from volunteer divers to search for Yodrak in the pond. The divers found the body yesterday, July 25. Yodrak’s body was tied to a cart and a sack of bricks and rocks. His body had begun to decompose at the time of the discovery. Following the questioning of Yodrak’s friends, a 54 year old man named Rung, was the prime suspect. The two were reported to be close friends but recently argued over a conflict as they had fallen in love with the same woman. Rung finally admitted to the murder of his beloved friend. Rung explained that he met Yodrak at his home, located a kilometre away from the pond and engaged in an argument because Yodrak forced him to reveal his feelings for the woman. The argument reportedly escalated into a physical altercation and Rung hit Yodrak’s head with a hard object, which was not identified in the report, until he died. Rung dumped his friend’s body into the pond and closely monitored it. When Yodrak’s body surfaced, Rung repeatedly stabbed the dead body, hoping water would flow into Yodrak’s body and sink. The body continued to float up to the surface, prompting Rung to find heavy objects to add more weight. Police accompanied Rung to the incident scene for a reenactment yesterday. He faces two charges including: Section 288 of the Criminal Law: intentional murder. The punishment is the death penalty, life imprisonment, or imprisonment from 15 to 20 years. Section 366/3 of the Criminal Law: damaging, moving, or depreciating a dead body of another person. The punishment is imprisonment of up to three years, a fine of up to 60,000 baht, or both. Channel 3 and Amarin TV reported that Rung has a mental health illness which may have played an important role in the murder as well. The story Forensic report disputes self-defence claim in Thai pond murder as seen on Thaiger News. [...]

- Nattapong Westwood
Siblings found dead in car at Nakhon Ratchasima temple

Siblings found dead in car at Nakhon Ratchasima templeLegacyA pair of siblings were found dead in a car parked at a temple in Nakhon Ratchasima. The incident was reported around 9.30pm yesterday, July 26. Police Lieutenant Colonel Akkaradej Phengwong, an investigator at the Nakhon Ratchasima City Police Station, received a report of two deaths at Wat Nong Phai in the Pho Klang subdistrict, Mueang district. Upon arrival, officers discovered a black Toyota sedan with licence plate ขม 9020 Nakhon Ratchasima parked with its engine running inside the temple’s kitchen pavilion, which was locked on all four sides. Inside the car, the bodies of a man in the driver’s seat and a woman in the passenger seat were visible, along with equipment used for fumigation. A locksmith was called to unlock the car, allowing rescue volunteers from Sawang Metta Korat to retrieve the bodies for examination. The 40 year old man was an employee of the electricity authority and the 42 year old woman was his sister. The assistant abbot who first discovered the bodies, 41 year old Phra Sompong Atisayo explained that he was performing his duty of opening and closing the temple gates around 9pm when he noticed the car with its engine running. Upon inspection, he was shocked to see the lifeless bodies inside. He noted that the car had been seen driving around the temple since the afternoon, and the man had exited at one point to buy drinks. The man’s girlfriend, Arm, revealed that her boyfriend had been suffering from severe stress and had been prescribed psychiatric medication after being involved in a fatal car accident. However, he had not been taking his medication consistently. Despite efforts from her and the family to help him, he appeared to be behaving normally and did not show signs of illness. It is suspected that the accumulated stress led him to confide in his sister and ultimately prompted the tragedy, reported KhaoSod. The story Siblings found dead in car at Nakhon Ratchasima temple as seen on Thaiger News. [...]

- Puntid Tantivangphaisal
Lost lottery tickets found in Thai forest spark social media frenzy (video)

Lost lottery tickets found in Thai forest spark social media frenzy (video)LegacyTwo lottery tickets were found in the forest with the name and phone number of their owner written on the back, leading to a social media frenzy. The discovery was made by a TikTok user who was foraging for mushrooms with a friend. TikTok user @udomporn41 posted a video showing the lottery tickets, numbered 498471, for the August 1 draw. The friend who found the tickets was in the forest gathering mushrooms when they stumbled upon the tickets, neatly placed in an envelope. The back of the tickets bore the name and phone number of their owner. “We were collecting mushrooms in the forest today, and my friend found these lottery tickets.” They then decided to call the number provided on the back. The owner answered the call, confirming that they had lost the tickets two days ago. Arrangements were made for the owner to retrieve the tickets. After the video was shared, it garnered significant attention and numerous comments. One woman commented that the lottery number matched her car’s registration number, adding that a snake had recently entered her car and had yet to leave. The story quickly gained traction on social media, with many users intrigued by the coincidence and the events that followed. The TikTok post not only highlighted the honest actions of the finders but also sparked discussions about luck and fate among netizens. Once the owner retrieved the tickets, the story continued to circulate online, with many users speculating about the outcome of the draw and whether the returned tickets would turn out to be winning ones, reported KhaoSod. In related news, a TikTok user discovered an old lottery ticket that was thought to be rubbish, only to find it had won a prize after being checked one year later. The ticket, from the June 16, 2023 draw, held the number 628255 and won 4,000 baht. @udomporn41 ล่าสุดตอนนี้ติดต่อเจ้าของได้แล้วจ้า😄😁#อุ๊อิวัวอารมณ์ดี🤗🐂 #อุบลหวานมากกกก❤️‍🔥🤫 ♬ เสียงต้นฉบับ – อุ๊อิ วัวอารมณ์ดี – อุ๊อิ วัวอารมณ์ดี The story Lost lottery tickets found in Thai forest spark social media frenzy (video) as seen on Thaiger News. [...]

- Top
Thai police seize assets worth 23 million baht in drug crackdown

Thai police seize assets worth 23 million baht in drug crackdownLegacyThai law enforcement officials announced a significant crackdown on drug operations on Thursday, July 25, targeting 237 locations and seizing properties valued at over 23 million baht. The Thai Patrol and Special Operation Division (PSD), along with other relevant agencies, held a press conference at 1pm on Thursday to reveal the details of the extensive operation. Police aimed their efforts at 237 sites under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Police Headquarters. This initiative led to the disruption of 166 drug networks across 225 cases. During the raids, officers seized 530,000 amphetamine pills, 46 kilogrammes of methamphetamine, and various other illicit substances. Assets worth over 23 million baht, including luxury cars and accessories, were also confiscated. A significant highlight of the operation was the apprehension of a Chinese drug lord, who was reportedly involved in distributing illicit substances to the US through a private delivery company. This arrest marked a critical point in the investigation, which further led to the detention of several individuals connected to the drug network, comprising both Thai and Chinese nationals. The Thai government places a high priority on drug suppression efforts, with a strong focus on rehabilitating drug addicts and assisting them in reintegrating into society, officials stated. To combat the drug issue effectively, law enforcement officers have implemented stringent measures within local communities. These actions aim to guarantee the success of the ongoing suppression efforts and reinforce the government’s commitment to eradicating the drug menace from the country, reported Pattaya News. In related news, Pattaya police arrested four alleged drug agents and seized substantial amounts of methamphetamine, ketamine, and firearms during a series of raids conducted on July 17. The operation, led by the Chief of Pattaya Police Station, Police Colonel Navin Teerawit, targeted drug networks in Banglamung district, Chon Buri province. In other news, an early morning drug bust operation in Mae Taeng district, Chiang Mai led to an exchange of gunfire, leaving one officer injured. Police managed to seize a significant amount of heroin and methamphetamine after a suspect abandoned a motorcycle and fled. The story Thai police seize assets worth 23 million baht in drug crackdown as seen on Thaiger News. [...]

- Puntid Tantivangphaisal
Thai man rescued after two years of abuse by employers

Thai man rescued after two years of abuse by employersLegacyA Thai man has been rescued and hospitalised after enduring two years of severe abuse and torture at the hands of his employers, a husband and wife, due to his inability to meet their sales targets. The 38 year old Thai man, Kong, was accompanied by social media activist Guntouch Pongpaiboonwet, also known as Gun Jompalang, when he filed a police report in Non Thai district, Nakhon Ratchasima yesterday. Visible injuries covered Kong’s body, with his buttocks severely infected from welts, whip marks on his legs, and open wounds on his head. He also lost a tooth during one of the assaults. Police documented the injuries with photographs as evidence. Kong recounted that he met the couple over a decade ago in his hometown of Chiang Mai before moving to Nakhon Ratchasima to work for them. Initially, everything was normal, and he received his salary regularly. However, the situation deteriorated over the past two years. Kong claimed that his salary had ceased, and his ATM card was confiscated by his employer under the pretext of preventing wasteful spending. His employers began to blame him for failing to meet sales targets and started punishing him physically. The specifics of the business or its products were not disclosed by Guntouch. Kong was provided with only one meal a day, typically plain rice, if he failed to make a sale. He reported being whipped over 1,000 times and subjected to electric shocks on his abdomen and genitals. When Kong lost consciousness from the beatings, they would revive him to continue the abuse. Despite contemplating escape multiple times, Kong feared for his family’s safety, as his employers threatened to seize his house and land. Police Lieutenant Colonel Tawat Boonkaeha, the deputy inspector of the Non Thai Police Station, stated that the couple will be summoned to acknowledge the charges, reported Bangkok Post. The story Thai man rescued after two years of abuse by employers as seen on Thaiger News. [...]

- Mitch Connor
Amnesty bill committee divided on Thailand’s lese majeste inclusion

Amnesty bill committee divided on Thailand’s lese majeste inclusionLegacyThe House Committee tasked with studying an amnesty bill has concluded its work but has not reached a decision on whether offences under Section 112, the lese majeste law, and Section 110 of the Criminal Code should be included. Pheu Thai MP and Committee Chairperson Chusak Sirinil announced that the panel has endorsed a report for submission to the House. The report addresses three main issues concerning the amnesty proposal. The committee agreed that the amnesty bill will encompass cases involving politically motivated offences committed from 2005 to the present. A dedicated committee will examine these cases, compiling a list of offences eligible for amnesty. “The gist of it is that the cases must be politically motivated and there will be a list of cases that qualify.” The committee decided that cases under Sections 288 and 289 of the Criminal Code (murder and other acts leading to death), which are serious human rights violations, will be excluded from the amnesty bill. There was no consensus on offences against the King, Queen, heir-apparent, or regent, covered by Sections 112 and 110. However, the report will include the committee members’ differing opinions. Chusak explained that opinions were divided into three groups: one group wants these offences excluded from amnesty, another supports their inclusion, and a third group calls for their inclusion under special conditions. “The committee believes that the amnesty is most likely to come to fruition if the government takes the lead or helps push the proposal.” Nikorn Chamnong, the committee’s secretary, stated that government whips would be asked to prioritise the committee’s report and place it high on the House agenda. The report is expected to be discussed by the House next month. The 35-member panel was established earlier this year, proposed by the ruling Pheu Thai Party, to conduct a comprehensive study on the amnesty proposal. This followed resistance to a bill sponsored by the main opposition Move Forward Party (MFP), largely due to the inclusion of Section 112 offences. Move Forward leader Chaithawat Tulathon noted yesterday that it was agreed the amnesty issue should be examined by a committee because of the political conflict over the past two decades. He expressed hope that the government and political parties will draft their own versions of an amnesty bill for submission to the House, reported Bangkok Post. The story Amnesty bill committee divided on Thailand’s lese majeste inclusion as seen on Thaiger News. [...]

- Puntid Tantivangphaisal
New bill to combat corruption in Thailand’s public sector

New bill to combat corruption in Thailand’s public sectorLegacyA new bill designed to streamline licencing and establish standards for government services is in the works, promising to be a significant tool in combating bribery and corruption in the public sector, according to Wissanu Krea-ngam, the prime minister’s legal adviser. Wissanu, during a lecture on preventing corruption in the public sector amid digital disruption, highlighted that this bill is an enhanced version of the 2015 Licencing Facilitation Act (LFA), which currently addresses only the licence application and approval process. The new bill, currently under review by the Council of State, will extend to the application processes for public utilities like electricity and water services. State agencies will be mandated to create and update manuals that specify the required documentation, fees, and processing time for each service. A one-stop service will be established to enhance convenience, and officials who do not meet the requirements could face disciplinary actions. Wissanu indicated that the bill is expected to be submitted to the House of Representatives early next year. “If the House passes the bill as it is, people won’t need to stop by district offices in most cases. They can make requests via an electronic system, which eliminates the chance of them being asked for bribes. And they can file complaints if their requests take longer than expected to be processed.” Wissanu explained that the original LFA was drafted over two decades ago but faced objections from various ministries, preventing its submission to the House. “They made some good arguments, such as it added costs and it couldn’t prevent bribery. The bill was shelved for 10 years until the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) came along.” Anti-corruption efforts The LFA was the first law scrutinised by the National Legislative Assembly, the body appointed by the NCPO. “In a normal situation, this type of law would not see the light of the day.” The LFA aimed to bring more transparency to the licence application and approval process. However, public awareness remains low, and it has not reached its full potential. Wissanu also noted that the Cabinet approved a proposed amendment to the anti-graft law this week. This amendment aims to better protect witnesses and counter strategic lawsuits against public participation (Slapp), which are designed to intimidate and silence critics. The amendment will also be reviewed by the Council of State before being submitted to the House, likely later this year. Deputy Prime Minister Phumtham Wechayachai, speaking at the same forum, emphasised the necessity of a mindset change among state officials and senior executives in both the public and private sectors to effectively tackle corruption, reported Bangkok Post. The story New bill to combat corruption in Thailand’s public sector as seen on Thaiger News. [...]

- Thaiger
Tamarind, The Grand Opening event at Pullman Phuket Panwa Beach Resort

Tamarind, The Grand Opening event at Pullman Phuket Panwa Beach ResortLegacyPullman Phuket Panwa Beach Resort proudly announces the grand opening of Tamarind, its newest restaurant offering a modern twist on traditional Thai cuisine. The event, held on July 26, 2024, was a resounding success, showcasing the innovative culinary creations of  Tamarind to an enthusiastic audience.  Guests were treated to an unforgettable evening featuring a live cooking performance by Chef Nok,  whose dynamic skills and creativity captivated everyone in attendance. The evening’s highlights included an array of tantalizing Thai dishes, expertly prepared and passed around for tasting, allowing guests to experience the rich flavours and unique combinations that define Tamarind’s menu.  The event drew a diverse crowd, including esteemed media guests,  magazine bloggers, and partners, all eager to sample the innovative cuisine and celebrate the launch of this exciting new dining destination.  The lively atmosphere, combined with the picturesque setting of  Pullman Phuket Panwa Beach Resort, provided the perfect backdrop for this special occasion.  “We are thrilled with the positive response to Tamarind and are excited to bring a fresh, contemporary approach to Thai cuisine to our guests,” said the resort’s General Manager. “Chef Nok’s performance  and the enthusiastic participation of our guests made the grand opening an evening to remember.” Tamarind is now open to the public, offering a unique dining experience that combines traditional Thai flavours with modern culinary techniques. Join us at Pullman Phuket Panwa  Beach Resort for an unforgettable journey through the vibrant world of Thai cuisine. Photo via Pullman Phuket Panwa About Tamarind Restaurant – Innovative Thai Cuisine  Welcome to Tamarind Restaurant at Pullman Phuket Panwa Beach Resort, where a symphony of flavours awaits to enchant your palate amidst the serene beauty of Makham Bay. Led by the culinary prowess of  Chef Nok, a native of Phuket with over a decade of culinary experience, our establishment is a fusion of  Southern Thai tradition and global innovation, promising a dining experience like no other.  Chef Nok’s journey began amidst the vibrant hues and aromatic spices of Southern Thai cuisine, a love affair with flavours that ignited her passion for cooking.  Drawing from her roots, she embarked on culinary exploration, infusing traditional recipes with creative twists and influences from around the world. The menu at Tamarind reflects Chef Nok’s bold vision, boasting an enticing array of dishes that marry the familiar with the unexpected. From the fiery zest of Tom Yum Goong to the indulgent delight of Thai-inspired  Tom Yum Seafood and Lobster Paella, each creation is a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation, a testament to Chef Nok’s artistry. But our commitment extends beyond mere culinary excellence. At  Tamarind, sustainability is a cornerstone of our philosophy. We prioritize locally sourced ingredients and authentic Thai spices, championing environmentally friendly practices every step of the way. From supporting local fishermen to embracing organic farming, we strive to minimize our footprint while maximizing flavour.  Join us on a culinary voyage that celebrates diversity, creativity, and the timeless allure of Thai cuisine. At Tamarind, every dish is a masterpiece, every meal an inspiration. So come hungry, and leave inspired, as we redefine the boundaries of taste and embark on a journey of culinary discovery together. Photo via Pullman Phuket Panwa The Recommended Menu  APPETIZERS  Pomelo Salad in Thai Style with Grilled US Scallops- ‘Yam Som-O Hoi Shell Yang’  Pamper yourself with the culinary fusion frenzy with our Pomelo Salad in Thai Style, paired with succulent Grilled US Scallops. This innovative marvel seamlessly blends Thai zing with Western flair,  promising a taste bud symphony like never before. And for a tantalizing prelude, our recommended appetizer beckons—prepare for a flavour expedition you won’t soon forget!  AUTHENTIC THAI  Crab and Betel Leaf Curry – ‘Gaeng Khua Poo Bai Chaplu’   Treat yourself to Chef Nok’s recommended Crab and Betel Leaf Curry, a vibrant Thai Southern dish bursting with flavours. Sourced fresh from Phuket’s local markets and crabmeat straight from the fisherman’s shop, each bite tells a story of coastal charm and culinary mastery. Dive into this trendsetting dish that’s as fresh as it is unforgettable.  THAI FLAVORS & TWIST  Southern Styled with Beef Stew – ‘Nuea Hong Phuket Styled’  The ultimate fusion of Southern comfort and exotic flair with our Beef Stew in Phuket styled’. This modern culinary gem brings beef cheek, caramelized local Chiang Mai figs, star anise, and soya jus,  aromatic spices to your plate. It’s a trendy twist on tradition, perfect for the adventurous foodie. Tagliatelle Duck Panang Curry – ‘Panang Ped’ Experience an exquisite blend of flavours with our Tagliatelle Duck Panang Curry, where the sumptuous richness of creamy Thai spices intertwines with succulent duck, elegantly resting atop silky tagliatelle.  This harmonious fusion of East-meets-West delights the palate, bringing the vibrant essence of Phuket to your plate, an ideal choice for the discerning modern foodie.  DESSERT Phuket Coconut Ice-Cream with Candied Bananas – ‘Ice Cream Ma Phrao & Kluay Chuem’ A cool blend of creamy coconut bliss with a pop of caramelized bananas. It’s the ultimate tropical indulgence, served with a side of island vibes. Taste paradise in every scoop. Key Message: Discover a fusion of bold spices, fragrant herbs, and creative flair at Tamarind, where traditional  Southern Thai dishes are reinvented with a Western twist, creating an unforgettable dining experience that celebrates the best of both worlds.  Tagline: “Savor the Spices, Embrace the Twists: Where Tradition Meets Innovation”  Social media: Instagram:   Website: Press Release The story Tamarind, The Grand Opening event at Pullman Phuket Panwa Beach Resort as seen on Thaiger News. [...]

- Sarishti Arora
Power outage to hit Baan Manik in Srisoonthorn tomorrow

Power outage to hit Baan Manik in Srisoonthorn tomorrowLegacyA scheduled power outage will impact Baan Manik in Srisoonthorn tomorrow, as announced by the Thalang branch of the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA Thalang). The outage will occur from 9am to 4.30pm to allow workers to safely conduct repairs and maintenance on the high-voltage system in the area. The specific areas affected extend from the entrance of Wat Thepwanaram (Wat Manik) to in front of Manik Hill in Moo 7, Srisoonthorn. Affected locations include Permsap Villas housing estate, Wat Manik, Permsap Villa Village, Thepwanaram Temple (Manik Temple), Suan Lipon Ltd vacation homes, Phuket Horse Center, N.P.P. Concrete Co Ltd, August Nine Co Ltd, View Advance Tech Co Ltd (in Soi Wat Manik), Alliance Construction Co Ltd, Chaiyan Concrete Co Ltd, the Finnish Education Co Ltd educational institution, and Manik Hillside Villa Co Ltd. PEA Thalang has apologised for any inconvenience caused by the power outage. For further information, residents can contact PEA Thalang at 076-386882 or the PEA call centre at 1129. Additionally, PEA Thalang announced two separate power outages affecting the east side of Thepkrasattri, south of the Heroines Monument tomorrow, to continue work on relocating transformers in the area, reported The Phuket News. In related news, a storm toppled high-voltage poles and obstructed a road in Chanthaburi. Heavy rain and thunderstorms battered many parts of Chanthaburi province, with strong winds causing extensive damage. A fierce storm led to the collapse of six high-voltage electricity poles across the outbound lane of Bamrung Naradul Road, near Wat Cham Som (Somwanaram) in Moo 10, Saleng subdistrict, Mueang district. The incident occurred around 5.30pm yesterday, July 25. The affected area, a curve on the outbound lane towards Khao Khitchakut district, was littered with six fallen high-voltage electricity poles, three streetlight poles, and a large tree, blocking traffic for over 300 metres. The monsoon season currently affects Thailand, bringing heavy rainfall to the central, eastern, and Bangkok regions. The story Power outage to hit Baan Manik in Srisoonthorn tomorrow as seen on Thaiger News. [...]